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TornadoVM is a plug-in to OpenJDK and other JDK distributions (e.g., GraalVM, Red Hat Mandrel, Amazon Corretto, Microsoft OpenJDK, Azul Zulu) that allows developers to automatically run Java programs on heterogeneous hardware. TornadoVM targets devices compatible with OpenCL, PTX and Level-Zero, which include multi-core CPUs, dedicated GPUs (Intel, NVIDIA, AMD), integrated GPUs (Intel HD Graphics and ARM Mali), and FPGAs (Intel and Xilinx).

TornadoVM has three backends: OpenCL, NVIDIA CUDA PTX, and SPIR-V. Developers can choose which backends to install and run.

TornadoVM does not replace existing VMs, but it rather complements them with the capability of offloading Java code to OpenCL, PTX and SPIR-V, handling memory management between Java and hardware accelerators, and running/coordinating the compute-kernels.
